Pizzagate by definition is an extension of these theories and because pizzagate is seriously trending lately, some of the more convincing evidence I'll put forth will probably regard this. Ultimately what pizzagate seems to be showing so far is a clear occult agenda, with some of the restaurants infamous instagram posts directly referencing shrining ceremonies.
A much clearer picture of the people we're dealing with and how truly sick and disgusting they are. Which is actually important because they have worked very hard polishing an appealing image of themselves in your head. One of the reasons you see all this Illuminati, and bdsm culture propagated throughout society, is because they are pushing these things through Hollywood and MTV that they themselves are into. Once we have been subconsciously compromised by these manufactured confusion tactics, making us identify with them, also question our own sanity and moral compass, it becomes much harder to break their spell. Here is a news article, reporting that James Alefantis, the owner of Comet Ping Pong and Pizza has threatened an investigators life along with his families. This story in particular paints a very different image of Alefantis then the press. Whether he acts like a pedophile is hard to say, but whats very clear is that he sounds like a criminal. A thug even, someone who makes threats like this routinely. So whatever image you have of a sweet innocent pizza shop owner getting falsely blamed because he supports Hillary, you can scrap that. For anyone who's interested in what's really been happening with Comet ping pong and Pizza this article should catch you up. Also for further reading check out the instagram link I posted earlier, it will bring you to PG wiki page.
Edit: Heres an update on James Alefantis, just a refresher. Confirmed picture of him in a Rothschild home, just further evidence indicating him as guilty.
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